On Sept 10th, our class did an experiment involving a ping pong ball. From what Mr. Chung said, it was a very expensive ping pong ball... Which doesn't bounce. In my mind I'm thinking, "That seems stupid, if it doesn't bounce then what's the point?!" Then he put us into groups and gave us an envelope filled with smiley faces with questions on them. D:
I couldn't find any pictures of the balls we used so I used regular ping pongs.
Also. I forgot to take a picture of the experiment. Heh. <;D
#1. Can you make the energy ball work? What do you think makes the ball flash and hum?
Our group was able to make the energy ball work and function because they touched both sides of the metal that was protruding from the energy ball. The energy ball was able to flash and hum because our bodies completed the circuit.
#2. Why do you have to touch both metal contacts to make the ball work?
If you do not touch both ends of the metal contacts then the circuit will be incomplete and thus not making the energy ball glow or hum.
#3. Will the ball light up if you connect the contacts with any material?
We were unable to find anything metallic that can bend to touch both ends of the metal contacts and we kept on accidentally touching the metal contacts so we weren't sure if the energy ball glowed due to the metal or our touch. What we did find was that water can be used to make the ball light up by having both ends of a water stream touching the metal contacts.
#4. Which materials will make the energy ball work?
In theory metal should be able to make the energy ball work, but we weren't able to test our hypothesis because we didn't have anything that can touch both ends of the metal contacts at the same time. Water is also capable of making the energy ball glow.
#5. This ball does not work on certain individuals. What could cause this to happen?
Certain individuals may not be as hydrated as others since water can be used to transfer energy. Another hypothesis can be that someone may be wearing a rubber suit? It won't be able to conduct electricity and will not be able to complete the circuit.
#6. Can you make the energy ball work with all 5-6 individuals in your group? Will it work with the entire class?
Yes, the ball was able to work with all members involved in the circuit. The energy ball should work with the entire class as the energy is being transferred through each individual. If the the circuit is incomplete then the energy ball will function.
#7. What kind of a circuit can you form with one energy ball?
A simple circuit can be formed with one energy ball.
#8. Given two balls, can you create a circuit where both balls light-up?
Yes it is possible to have both balls light up.
#9. What do you think will happen if one person lets go of the other persons hand and why?
If someone were to let go then the circuit will be incomplete which would then make the energy balls nonfunctional. The reason why is because the connection was disrupted when someone loses contact with someone in the circuit.
#10. Does it matter who let's go?
If our group was rearranged differently then it would matter (e.g. Switch) but if the circuit is like a circle then no matter who let's go, the circuit will be incomplete.
#11. Can you create a circuit where only one ball lights?
The probable answer was yes but I'm not sure because when we had a group of 4 one ball was able to light up but with the addition of Alex Liu... None of them worked. From that experiment I assumed the energy dissipates with each person but when doing the entire class circuit it wasn't so.
#12. What is the minimum number of people required to create a circuit where only one ball lights?
The minimum, number of people required to create a circuit where only one ball lights is 3 people. 2 people keep in contact with the energy ball while the third keeps in contact with them. If one of the 2 people disconnects from the energy ball then that would cause one ball to function while the other does not.
The Difference Between a Parallel and Series Circuit
Series Circuit
Parallel Circuit
Series Circuit - where there is only one path from the source through all of the loads and back to the source. This means that all of the current in the circuit must flow through all of the loads. From
Parallel Circuit - a circuit in which there are at least two independent paths in the circuit to get back to the source. In a parallel circuit, the current will flow through the closed paths and not through the open paths.
Other links for more Information
While writing this blog I am undergoing a Cold so I do apologize if I made any grammatical mistakes or any mistakes at all xD