Well anyway we're here to determine how to add a vector but before we can do that we must first find out what a vector is.
From http://zonalandeducation.com/mstm/physics/mechanics/vectors/vectors.html it states that a vector is a a quatity that has two aspects which has a size, or magnitude, and direction.
So in absolute simple words it pretty much means a straight line.
but it can get more complicated when you add more vectors to other vectors. But before we do that once again we have to find out where the positve sectors are.
As you can see from the diagram North and East is the positive and South and West is the negative. but if its inbetween for example in the diagram, one of the vectors is inbetween N and E but since you know they're both positive then that vector is going in the positive direction. Now look at Vector B, its going S and W. Since we know they're both negative then we can determine that Vector B is going in the negative direction.
Wait a second! What if the vector goes inbetween a negative and a positive?
Well for example if a vector goes inbetween N and W then it would be considered a positive because the N is more dominant the same can be said for S and E because it will be negative because the South is more dominant.
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